JavaScript library reference

Qflow provides a JavaScript library with functions to be used in a specific context. The functions are accessible via the Host object. The Host object allows you to get other objects, such as objects that represent application data, which also expose functions and properties. All functions that have indexes (typically the instance parameter) use 0 as the first position.


The Host object exposes the following functions. To access them, type Host.FunctionName (parameters). Note that some functions only make sense in some contexts. For example, getTaskName does not make sense in a start form, because there is no task.

  • getCurrentUserGroups: returns the groups to which the current user belongs.

  • getCurrentUserId: returns the identifier of the current user.

  • getData(dataName): it returns a Data object, which represents the application datum whose name is dataName.

  • getLine(lineName): it returns a Line object that represents the block of lines whose name is lineName.

  • getRole(roleName): it returns a Role object that represents the role whose name is roleName.

  • getDataSourceItemDescription(key, domainId, parameters, onSuccess, onError): to be used with domains that get their data from external data sources (or from a list; see the Qflow Design manual). It obtains, for the domain with the identifier domainId, the description corresponding to the key key. If the domain receives parameters, these are passed in the parameters parameter. The onSuccess and onError parameters are for specifying functions to invoke on success or failure. The function specified in onSuccess can receive a parameter, which Qflow will fill with the description obtained.

  • getSecurityMember(memberId, onSuccess, onError): it gets the member (user, work queue, node, etc.) corresponding to the identifier memberId. If it succeeds, it invokes the function specified by onSuccess, passing the obtained member as a parameter. If it fails, it invokes the function specified in onError.

  • getFlowName: it returns the name of the flow.

  • getFlowDescription: it returns the description of the flow.

  • getTemplateName: it returns the name of the template to which the flow belongs.

  • getTemplateDescription: it returns the description of the template to which the flow belongs.

  • getTemplateVersionName: it returns the name of the version that was used to start the flow.

  • getTemplateVersionDescription: it returns the description of the version that was used to start the flow.

  • getTaskName: it returns the name of the task.

  • getTaskDescription: it returns the description of the task.

  • getTaskSubject: it returns the subject of the task.

  • getTaskResponse: it returns the response of the task.

  • getTaskProgress: it returns the progress of the task.

  • setFlowName (value): it assigns value to the flow name (use only in a start form).

  • setFlowDescription (value): it assigns value to the flow description (use only in a start form).

  • setTaskResponse (value): it selects the response with value value.

  • setTaskProgress (value): it assigns value to the task progress.

  • submit(): it submits the form (it is like clicking the main button of the form).


A Data object represents an application datum. Data objects are obtained using the Host.getData function. They expose the following functions:

  • addInstance(): in multivalued data, it adds a value to the data, without specifying that value. The value must be assigned later by the setValue function.

  • getInstanceCount(): it returns the number of values that the data has.

  • getValue(instance): it returns the value that the data has in the position indicated by instance (for example, getValue(0) returns the first value).

  • removeInstance(instance): it removes the value at the position indicated by instance.

  • setErrorMessage(itemInstance, msg): it displays the error message specified by the msg parameter for the data at the position indicated by the itemInstance parameter.

  • setValue (instance, value): it assigns the value value to the position instance of the data. It should be noted that the value is assumed to be of the configured domain data type.

The following properties of Data objects may be useful:

  • addAllowed: it indicates if the scope defined for the data in the form allows you to add values to the data.

  • dataId: data identifier.

  • dataType: it represents the data type.

  • defaultValue: data default value.

  • domainId: identifier of the data domain.

  • group: name of the group to which the data belongs.

  • isMultivalued: it indicates if the data is multivalued.

  • lineName: name of the line block.

  • maxInstances: maximum amount of values ​​that the data can have.

  • minInstances: minimum amount of values ​​that the data can have.

  • name: data name.

  • removeAllowed: it indicates if the scope defined for the data in the form allows you to remove values from the data.

  • scope: it represents the scope of the data for the form in which it is being used.

  • tooltip: data tooltip.


A Line object represents a block of lines. Line objects are obtained using the Host.getLine function. They expose the following functions:

  • addInstance(): it adds a row to the block.

  • getData(dataName): it returns the data whose name is indicated in the dataName parameter. The returned object is of type Data. A block of lines is composed of several pieces of data, one for each column of the block, and all multivalued. Each value of each piece of data represents a cell in the block of lines. For example, to obtain the value in the second row of a block of lines for a certain column, you have to find the second value of the data corresponding to that column (if the column is represented by the “Address” data, you have to search for the second value of the “Address” data).

  • getInstanceCount(): it returns the number of rows that the block has.

  • removeInstance(instance): it removes the row at the position indicated by instance.

The following properties of Line objects may be useful:

  • addAllowed: it indicates if the scope of the block for that form allows you to add rows to the line.

  • maxLines: maximum number of rows that the line can have.

  • minLines: minimum number of rows that the line can have.

  • name: line block name.

  • removeAllowed: it indicates if the scope of the block for that form allows you to delete rows from the line.


A Role object represents a role. Role objects are obtained using the Host.getRole function. They expose the following functions:

  • addInstance(): it allows you to add a member to the role, without specifying who the member is.

  • addMember(memberId, onSuccess, onError): it adds the member with identifier memberId to the role. Once the member has been successfully added, Qflow will execute the function indicated in onSuccess (this function can receive an object that represents the selected member as a parameter). If an error occurs, it will invoke the function specified in onError.

  • getInstanceCount(): it returns the number of members that the role has.

  • getMemberId(instance): it returns the identifier of the member that is in instance position.

  • getMemberName(instance): it returns the name of the member at the instance position.

  • getMemberType (instance): it returns the type of the member (for example, if it is a user, a work queue, etc.) that is in the position indicated by instance.

  • removeInstance (instance): it removes the member at the instance position from the role.

  • removeMember(instance): it removes the member at position instance from the role.

  • setErrorMessage(itemInstance, msg): it displays the error message specified by the msg parameter for the member at the position indicated by the itemInstance parameter.

  • setMember(value, instance, onSuccess, onError): it assigns the member indicated by value to the instance position of the role. Once the member has been successfully added, Qflow will execute the function indicated in onSuccess (this function can receive an object that represents the selected member as a parameter). If an error occurs, it will invoke the function specified in onError.

The following properties of Role objects may be useful:

  • addAllowed: it indicates if the scope defined for the role in the form allows you to add members to the data.

  • id: role identifier.

  • isMultivalued: it indicates if the role is multivalued.

  • maxInstances: maximum number of values that the role can have.

  • minInstances: minimum number of values that the role can have.

  • name: role name.

  • removeAllowed: it indicates whether the scope defined for the role in the form allows you to remove members from the role.