Previous tasks
Carefully read the Qflow update section of the Installation and Configuration of Qflow manual. There you will find detailed instructions on how to update Qflow. This is a complementary document.
Stop all Qflow services.
Perform a database backup.
Back up the Qflow web sites and services folders:
<%ProgramFiles%>\Urudata, in which <%ProgramFiles%> must be replaced by the folder where the programs are installed on the computer with Qflow installed.
<%wwwroot%>\QflowTask, <%wwwroot%>\QflowDesign, <%wwwroot%>\QflowTeam, <%wwwroot%>\QflowAdmin, where <%wwwroot%> is the folder where web applications are installed by default. This folder is normally located at: “c:\inetpub\wwwroot”. If the WebForms site was installed, you will also need to back up the <%wwwroot%>\QflowWebSite folder. It should be noted that the names of the folders may vary if this was changed during Qflow’s installation.