
Feature summary

The highly anticipated version 5.3 of Qflow brings a series of improvements and new functionalities to enrich your user experience. Among other features, users external to the system can now initiate processes, a new view that allows easy access to responded tasks for each user has been added, and the quick response to tasks feature has been improved.

Furthermore, we continue to pay attention to feedback from our users and business partners, incorporating features that add value to their experience with our platform. To contribute suggestions or comments for improving our product, you can post on the Qflow forums.

Initiating processes by external or anonymous users

Starting from this version, individuals who do not have a Qflow account can initiate processes. This functionality is particularly beneficial in contexts such as:

  • Contact requests

  • Application in personnel selection processes

  • Conducting surveys

  • Initiating invoice approval by external suppliers

  • Registration for events or conferences

  • Requests for budgeting

  • Customer complaint submissions

  • And many more!

Additionally, by accessing the public form of the process, even those users who have logged in to Qflow can initiate a process a process anonymously. This allows the use of Qflow for scenarios like:

  • Anonymous reports

  • Suggestions box

It’s also possible to configure a customized confirmation message for each process, which will be displayed to the user once they have successfully completed the form and initiated the process (see Fig. 15).

Configuration of external or anonymous process start

Fig. 14 Configuration of external or anonymous process start

External or anonymous start confirmation message

Fig. 15 External or anonymous start confirmation message

For more details on how to allow a process to be started by external users, you can read the start event configuration section. For information on the consumption of points by processes started by external users, see the related documentation.

New view: “Tasks responded by me”

A new view called “Tasks responded by me” has been introduced, easily accessible from the side menu. This view is specifically designed to quickly access tasks to which you have responded in the past.

Within this view, you’ll be able to efficiently view key information about the tasks you’ve addressed. This includes details such as the task’s subject, start date, response date, your response, and the current status of the task.

New view: "Tasks responded by me"

Fig. 16 New view: “Tasks responded by me”

Consistent with the characteristic flexibility of all Qflow ystem views, this new functionality is fully customizable in your workspace. This means you can add filters, incorporate or adjust columns, set sorting criteria, and more, to tailor the view to your preferences and specific requirements.

Quick response in customized “My Tasks” views

In version 5.2 of Qflow, the functionality to directly respond to one or multiple tasks from the “My Tasks” system view was implemented, in cases where tasks allowed it, without requiring access to the corresponding form.

In this latest update, the quick response feature has been extended to all custom views that users have created, as long as these views belong to the “My Tasks” category. This new functionality provides the opportunity to make quick responses in specific views, where users have configured columns to display all essential information needed for decision-making. you can read more about the feature on the Quick response section.

This way, you can leverage quick responses in broader contexts, streamlining your interactions and decisions regarding assigned tasks and allowing for more efficient management.

Quick response in customized view

Fig. 17 Quick response in customized view

New column formatters for custom views

In order to more easily visualize the current status of tasks and the current stage of a process in custom views, new display formatters have been added:

  • Show the status of the current stage of the process

  • Show the current status of the task

These new formatters allow showing the stage and task status columns as a label.

For more details on how to configure the new column display formatters, you can read the view column section.

Login with Qflow

With the goal of enhancing our users’ experience and streamlining the registration and login processes for Qflow, this version implements a new security provider into the system. The “Qflow” provider is included by default in all workspaces created in the Cloud version of the product, allowing users to log in using their credentials from our client registration site.

Qflow security provider

Fig. 18 Qflow security provider

System administrators can initially access the system using their registration site credentials, such as username or email, along with their password. Users created later can also use this provider if configured in Qflow Team with the Login set to their client registration site account email.

Qflow Design: Revamped home and new gallery of pre-created templates

As creators of digital tools, we always strive for excellence in the quality and presentation of our products. Hence, we continue to innovate the visual design of Qflow, with significant changescoming to Qflow Design in this version.

The home page of Qflow Design has been redesigned to allow quick access to some of the existing pre-created templates, making it easier for our users to engage in the core activity of the tool: process design.

Qflow Design's home page

Fig. 19 Qflow Design’s home page

In addition to the quick access to selected templates, we will also be able to access the complete gallery, showcasing all the options Qflow Design offers as starting points for our designs, along with a brief description of each.

Pre-created templates gallery

Fig. 20 Pre-created templates gallery

Fixes and improvements

Thanks to the feedback from our users and internal testing processes of the tools, the following bugs were identified and fixed in the product:


  • Messages for login failures across all tools were improved to more accurately reflect the encountered errors.

  • A case in the process engine causing delays in starting a process or responding to a task was fixed. This only occurred when the engine was inactive for an extended period of time. [5.0, 5.1.1, 5.2]

  • The configuration of notification services for created workspaces was corrected to avoid always having the “Text” format.

  • Font and text formatting issues in email notifications were addressed.

  • Cookie names were adjusted in accordance with the latest changes in the cookie policy.

  • Scroll and resize functionality in specific site elements was fixed.

  • Loading animations were added for sites while they load.

  • An issue where changing time zones could lead to an error page was fixed. [5.2]

Qflow Task

  • The view displayed after responding to a task from an email link, which showed a previous version of the product’s logo, was fixed.

  • An issue where the required fields of date and time type were always showing the required field message upon form loading was corrected.

  • The subject of tasks in the top menu of pending tasks not displaying with the corresponding encoding was fixed.

  • An error when using quick response when Service Workers were unavailable in the browser was fixed.

  • An error on view filters by stage was fixed, which caused that no results were returned.

Qflow Design

  • An improvement is added to the scope configuration for Start events, User tasks and User notification tasks, so that they are always shown on the configuration panel without needing to expand it.

  • The field for “Auto-generate name and description” in the configuration for the Start event is moved to the “General” group.

  • Conditions for “X responded” and “X% responded” in gateways were fixed. In certain scenarios, writing numbers in the value fields resulted in them being written multiple times. [4.2, 5.0, 5.1.1, 5.2]

  • An issue where the advanced search always returned results, even when the search criteria found no matches, was fixed.

  • The functionality of hour type domain configurations was fixed.

Qflow Team

  • Validation of users’ login field was corrected to trigger when changing the security provider.

  • Various improvements were made to the user substitute table: [5.1.1, 5.2]

    • Date format is now based on the browser’s culture.

    • Elements now are shown in descending order.

    • Any element in the table can be deleted, not just the most recent.

    • Pagination was added to the table.

  • Performance improvement for loading the recent sessions table.[5.1.1, 5.2]

  • User selectors in groups, user notifications in work queues, and node supervisors now display their results in alphabetical order. [5.1.1, 5.2]

  • The importing of nodes that were exported and contain periods in their names was fixed.

Qflow Admin

  • Visual improvements were made to the site’s charts.

  • An issue where the date range of charts wasn’t updating until clicking the day/month grouping buttons was fixed.

Note: The fixes and/or improvements that were added to previous versions of the product are indicated with the corresponding versions to which they apply.

If you are a Qflow Cloud user, you are already enjoying from these new, innovative features! If you are not yet, you can try for free at our client registration site and start making the most out of all the advantages our platform provides. If you have any questions about the new features, you can get in contact with us to schedule a free demo, or to make any question.

Get ready to experience an even more powerful Qflow 5.3!