
Features summary

Version 5.1.2 incorporates diverse functionalities to improve Q-flow’s user experience, such as the ability to “Remember user”, and simplified steps to start designing a process. On the other hand, the system is now able to store attachments in Azure Blob Storage.

General improvements

Remember user

A “Remember me” checkbox was added on the login screen of every site. This option allows remembering the session on the browser, so that you do not have to log in again after the browser is closed. This option is supported for Google and Microsoft login.

Q-flow login page, with "Remember me" option

Fig. 16 Q-flow login page, with “Remember me” option

Q-flow Forum

The Q-flow forum is now available, the ideal place to ask questions and get support from the community and Q-flow specialists. Among other uses, you can request new features, consult about form design and report errors.

Forum home page

Fig. 17 Forum home page

Create new entry on the forum

Fig. 18 Create new entry on the forum

Post in the Q-flow forum

Fig. 19 Post in the Q-flow forum

Access to the forum from the sites

You can access Q-flow’s forum from any site, from the option found in the “” info in the upper menu.

Forum location in the upper menu

Fig. 20 Forum location in the upper menu

Web site

Attachment storage in Azure

The content of the system’s attachments is now stored in the cloud, by using Azure’s Blob Storage technology. Thanks to this change, inherent benefits of cloud storage are perceived. We can highlight the speed in accessing files and the management of the security of our data, since the service guarantees protection against malicious access and uses mechanisms such as redundancy to recover data in the case of any unforeseen problem.

Fixed errors

Work queue system views

The default action is changed to “Edit” when double-clicking on a work queue view, from the system views listing.

Error on empty decimal data with editable read only scope

An error is fixed that prevented responding to a task that has an empty decimal type application data with “Editable read only” scope.


Check out graph when creating a template

When creating a new template, the template itself as well as the version are opened and the graph will be checked out by default.

Check out graph after creating a template

Fig. 21 Check out graph after creating a template

Allow creating a container package when creating a template

When creating a new template from a package, there is now an option to “Create process container subpackage”. If the option is selected, a subpackage will be created in the currently selected package (which will have the same name as the template), and the template will be created in that new subpackage.

Create template with create container subpackage option

Fig. 22 Create template with create container subpackage option

New default roles: Starter and Supervisor

The flow starter role and flow starter supervisor role are added by default as roles in the root package.


Improvements in usage graphs styles

General improvements are made on the styles of usage graphs

Usage graphs

Fig. 23 Usage graphs

Fixed errors

Cross-site scripting (XSS) on system parameter history technical-icon

Controls were added on the system parameter’s history log to prevent the execution of JavaScript code from user inputs.


Fixed errors

“Work queue configuration saved” action without description

A description for the entries created by configurating a work queue was added to the node log.