Pre-created templates to optimize process management
Qflow is a process automation platform that offers a wide range of features and regular updates to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations. One of the latest innovations is the inclusion of pre-created templates, which are real processes that fit the workflow of many organizations. These templates are flexible and can be modified to suit the specific needs of each organization.
Currently, Qflow offers 6 pre-created templates that can be used immediately to improve process management in any company or organization.
They are an excellent option for those organizations that seek to optimize the way they work but do not have a specific process defined. Using these templates is also an effective way to learn and take advantage of Qflow’s basic and advanced functionalities. By using these pre-defined processes, users can experiment and learn how to use the product to its fullest.
To prepare the process for your production environment, don’t forget to review the notes and details in the process diagrams. Some of the changes that are necessary are the selection of the actors of the process in your organization, as well as any business rules that you might want to create.
Document approval process
Among the templates available is the “Document Approval” process, which contemplates the activities of creation, review, approval, and notification to a distribution list, as well as the option of uploading the document to a document repository.
This template can be used for any type of document, such as contracts, commercial proposals, and documents related to project management, among others.

Learn more about the document approval template in the article Optimizing Document Management with Qflow BPM – Ready-to-use Template.
Vacation request process
Another template available is the “Vacations Request” process, which defines a process by which a member of the organization can make a vacation request. It includes stages of supervisor approval, verifying and updating the balance of days available, defining substitutes, and sending reminders prior to the start of the vacation period.
It is important to note that the defined substitutes can respond to pending tasks and receive reminders from the absentee during their absence, ensuring continuity in the work.

For more information about this template, you can access Automate Vacation Request Process with Qflow BPM – Ready to use Template.
Two-step approval process
There is also the “Two-step approval” process, which defines a more generic process in which approval is validated by two approving users. In this process, a user completes a request form where they can enter the reason and planned date of what they want to approve. In addition, it has an automated notification system to inform the requester of the outcome of their request and to keep approvers updated on pending requests for review.

Learn how to get started using and customizing the two-stage approval template by accessing the article Automate your approval processes with Qflow’s “Two-Step Approval” Template.
Expense reimbursement process
Another of the available templates is the “Expense reimbursement” template, which defines a process in which the initiating user submits one or more expenses with their justification, amount, and currency. Subsequently, there is an approval stage in which the expense can be approved or not (if not, it allows a review of the request for re-evaluation). There are also tasks for the movement of funds by financial personnel and notifications to the requesting user, both for approval and rejection.

Access the article Optimize your expense reimbursement process with BPM to get a comprehensive understanding of the expense reimbursement template.
Purchase request process
On the other hand, the “Purchase Request” template defines a process in which the initiating user submits an expense with justification, amount, and currency used, followed by an approval that can be potentially performed in two stages in case the amount exceeds a pre-established threshold.
Approvals have defined time controls to ensure that requests are completed. Like other processes, it includes notifications to the requesting user for approval or rejection.

If you are interested in implementing this process in your organization, you can find more information about the Purchase Request template in the article Automate your purchase requisition process with BPM.
Recruitment and selection process
Finally, the “Employee selection” template includes the review of resumes and coordinating and conducting interviews. These can be of various types, including pre-selection, competency-based, psycho-technical evaluation, technical evaluation and verification of work references, among others. Once the interviews are completed, the job proposal is prepared and presented.
Before the end of the process, the candidate is notified of the result of the application, whether it is acceptance or rejection. In addition, the process has time controls to ensure efficiency in the coordination of interviews, with weekly reminders so as to not forget to schedule them.

If you want to learn more about the Personnel Selection template, you can read the article Automating the recruitment and selection process.
The Qflow team is committed to providing our clients with tools that allow them to optimize their business processes and the pre-created templates are an excellent option to achieve this. These processes are easily adapted to the needs of many organizations.
For those that do not have a specific process defined, they are an excellent option to start optimizing their way of working. In addition, they are flexible and can be modified to suit the needs of each organization.
Don’t miss the opportunity to try our templates for free in our three-month free trial!