Microsoft Teams


The purpose of this manual is to detail how to configure and integrate Qflow with Microsoft Teams to allow interaction between both platforms, allowing Qflow to publish messages in Microsoft Teams channels.

Microsoft Teams has the following actions:

Application parameter

To establish the connection, it is necessary to have at least one application parameter (see Application parameters) that allows communication between Qflow and Microsoft Teams. This parameter can be created from the service task configuration in Qflow, where it is also used to establish communication between Qflow and Microsoft Teams. (see Connector Configuration from a Service Task)

To create a Microsoft Teams application parameter, follow the steps below.

Application parameter using a Webhook

This type of application parameter requires the following:

  • Webhook url: This is the url with which Qflow must communicate to send messages to Microsoft Teams. To obtain it, follow this guide.

The Webhook is an url that allows an application to send messages to a specific channel in Microsoft Teams. If you want to send messages to different channels, you must create different Webhooks for each one.

Once the steps are completed, it will be possible to use Microsoft Teams with Qflow using the created application parameter.


It is possible to perform the following actions with Microsoft Teams:

Post to channel

This option allows sending messages to a Microsoft Teams channel. The channel to which the message will be sent is determined by the Webhook used.

Table 1 Inputs




Required. Text of the message you want to send to the Microsoft Teams channel.