

The purpose of this manual is to detail how to configure and integrate Qflow with OneDrive to allow interaction between both platforms, thus allowing you to perform operations on files hosted on the platform.

OneDrive has the following actions:

See Actions for the description and content of each one.


It is necessary to have a OneDrive account already created on the platform or create an account when configuring the connector. This can be done from the Microsoft site here.

Application parameter

To establish the connection it is necessary to have at least one application parameter (see Application Parameters) that allows communication to be established between Qflow and OneDrive. This parameter can be created from the service task configuration in Qflow. (see Configuring Connectors from a Service Task)

To create a OneDrive application parameter, the following steps are required as detailed below.

Application parameter using OAuth

This type of application parameter requires logging into OneDrive from Qflow. This is done in the connector configuration following the steps of the OAuth flow.

Once the previous steps have been completed,it will be possible to interact with OneDrive from Qflow.


The following actions can be performed with OneDrive:

Upload file

This action allows you to upload a file to OneDrive. The file to be uploaded must be provided. In addition, it is possible to specify the path in which you want to store the file, a new name for it, and whether you want to overwrite the file if one with the same name already exists in the specified path. If a path is not specified, the file will be uploaded to the root of the OneDrive account.

Table 52 Inputs




Required. The file to be uploaded, its size cannot exceed 50MB.


Path where the file will be stored. The value entered must correspond to the name and location of the destination folder. For example, if you want to store the file in the “Approved” folder, which is located under “Requests”, you can enter “/Requests/Approved”. If the location does not exist, it will be created.


New name of the file to upload.


Option to specify whether to replace the file if one with the same name already exists in the specified path.

Table 53 Outputs




Preview link of the uploaded file.


OneDrive generated identifier for the uploaded file.

Get file

This action allows you to obtain a file from OneDrive. The name of the file to be obtained must be provided, its size cannot exceed 50MB. Optionally, providing the path where the file is located in OneDrive is supported. If a path is not specified, the file will be searched in the root of the OneDrive account.

Table 54 Inputs




Required. Name of the file to obtain.


Path where the file will be searched.

Table 55 Outputs




Required. Obtained file.

Delete file

This action allows you to delete a file from OneDrive. The name of the file to be obtained must be provided. Optionally, providing the path where the file is located in OneDrive is supported. If a path is not specified, the file will be searched in the root of the OneDrive account.

Table 56 Inputs




Required. Name of the file to obtain.


Path where the file will be searched.

Get preview link

This action allows you to get the preview link for a OneDrive file. You must provide the name of the file for which to get the preview link. Optionally, providing the path where the file is located in OneDrive is supported. If a path is not specified, the file will be searched in the root of the OneDrive account.

Table 57 Inputs




Required. Name of the file for which the link is obtained.


Path where the file will be searched.

Table 58 Outputs




Required. Preview link of the uploaded file.